Minimising Disruption Through Offsite Manufacturing

Rooftop Housing Association sought the support from CHIC for the redevelopment of specific garage sites in Evesham, West Midlands. They were suffering low demand and varying levels of disrepair across 5x 1 bed houses and 1x 1 bed bungalow.

Rooftop wanted a modular solution to minimise disruption of the surrounding environment and residents. They were keen to pilot offsite modular construction and saw the BuildSmart framework as an efficient delivery solution for the £350,000 project.

The main benefits of modular construction for Rooftop were:

  • Offsite construction meant minimal disruption on neighbouring properties.
  • Speedy delivery and installation –required to meet immediate housing need.
  • The build has been designed to meet local requirements giving it a bespoke feel, but with the capacity to be scaled up, due to each unit being fitted with a standardised chassis.
  • Ability to move the units to another location to suit changing demographics and demand.
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We offer a comprehensive selection of services, providing a full suite of contractor and supply chain solutions for affordable housing landlords and other public sector bodies, across their asset management and development programmes.

Case studies

CHIC has demonstrated creating significant cost savings, efficiencies, and other value outcomes for our members over the past few years.

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Bringing a wealth of knowledge from across the housing and construction sectors.