As the upcoming introduction of the updated Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) approaches shower and tap manufacturer Methven has urged social landlords to act on any water-efficiency focused upgrades required as soon as possible.
In the biggest shake-up of social housing standards in 20 years, the new standard will require social landlords to undertake an assessment of their entire stock to outline the current Energy Performance Certificate (EPR) and Environmental Impact Rating (EIR) ratings of their homes, with the ultimate aim of carrying out upgrades and improvements which contribute towards achieving EPC Band A for each property.
Initially introduced in 2002 and revised in 2008, a wide-reaching evaluation of the WHQS began in 2020, identifying that water efficiency was an area where ‘research and societal changes had changed expectations’.
In line with wider global water saving and decarbonisation targets, the refreshed standard states that homes should have fittings and appliances which stop water being wasted in order to keep water bills down and help protect the environment.
Leading shower and tapware manufacturer Methven, which holds three of six worldwide patents for showering technology, has urged social landlords to take action quickly to rectify any potential issues with water efficiency in order to help meet targets in a cost and time effective manner.
The brand’s roots in water stressed Australia and New Zealand, dating back to 1886, means it is well versed and ahead of the curve when it comes to water efficiency. With a UK base in Warrington, it has worked with social landlords across the UK with a focus on reducing water consumption from showers and taps without compromise on performance for users.
James Gibbard, Head of Sales at Methven, says that switching to products using Methven’s regulated showering technologies or lever basin taps and sink mixers with pre-fitted flow regulations is a simple step that can have a big impact.
James said: “According to our calculations, switching from a conventional shower head with a flow rate of 15 litres per minute to one of our low-flow handsets, which operate at 5.5 litres per minute using our patented Satinjet technology, households could achieve annual savings of 800kg of carbon, reduce bills by over £500, and lower water consumption by up to 91,000 litres.
“We believe that there is a simple, cost-effective solution in line with the upcoming WHQS requirements right under the noses of housing organisations that can bring huge decarbonisation and sustainability benefits.”
Methven’s recently launched Avoca range of showers and taps is designed specifically for the housing sector and from the outset has been WHQS compliant. It features significant advancements in bathroom technology, focusing on safety, comfort, and water efficiency without compromising performance.
Basin taps, sink taps and sink mixers in its Vitality range have also been updated to offer pre-fitted flow regulation.
These include VL101-4 Vitality Lever Basin Taps – now offering a 4 litres per minute flow rate and VL103-5 Vitality Lever Sink Taps and the VL105-5 Vitality Lever Sink Mixer – which both now offer 5 litres per minute.
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