Wales Optimised Retrofit Compliance
Home > Services > Dynamic Purchasing System > Wales Optimised Retrofit Compliance
CHIC’s Wales Optimised Retrofit Dynamic Purchasing System for Compliance provides a cost
effective route to market for social housing organisations seeking to retrofit their properties in
Wales. Retrofitting involves upgrading existing buildings to make them more energy efficient and
environmentally friendly. This is an important issue in the social housing sector, where many
properties were built before modern energy efficiency standards were introduced, resulting in high
energy bills for residents and increased carbon emissions.
Service Providers under this DPS ensure that every retrofit project is subject to monitoring and
evaluation to determine whether the intended outcomes of the retrofit project have been realised.
It is also to identify and learn from any project specific or systematic problems with the retrofit
risk assessment, the dwelling assessment, the retrofit design, the installation of EEMs or the
testing, commissioning, or handover of EEMs.
FATS No. 2023/S 000-012846
Awarded: 19/06/23
Interested in using this solution?
If you would like to use this DPS, please get in touch with our Member Services Team.