Wales Optimised Retrofit Materials
Home > Services > Dynamic Purchasing System > Wales Optimised Retrofit Materials
When it comes to retrofitting, selecting and using the most appropriate building materials is crucial for achieving optimal results. This is because retrofitting is all about improving the energy efficiency of existing buildings and the choice of materials used in the process can have a significant impact on the outcome. By carefully selecting the right materials, landlords can ensure that their retrofitting projects are carried out effectively and that the resulting buildings are sustainable.
As part of the CHIC DPS, members have access to a range of materials suppliers who can provide high quality, locally sourced and environmentally friendly building materials. These suppliers are carefully selected and vetted to ensure that they are committed to sustainability and reducing their environmental impact. By working with these suppliers, you can be confident that you are using the most appropriate and sustainable materials for their retrofitting projects, while also supporting local businesses and the Welsh economy.
FATS No. 2022/S 000-003611
Awarded: 08/02/22
DPS Lots
- Cavity Wall Insulation
- Drainage Systems
- Draught Proofing
- Eco Kitchens
- External Wall Insulation
- Fire Protection
- Flat Roof Insulation
- Floor Insulation
- Green Paints
- Loft Insulation
- Pitched Roof Insulation
- Rainwater & Grey Water Harvesting
- Room-in-Roof Insulation
- Windows and Doors
- Air Source Heat Pumps
- Boilers
- Energy Management Systems
- Fire Suppression & Sprinkler Systems
- Ground Source & Air Source Heat Pumps
- Ground Source Heat Pumps
- Heating Hot Water Systems, air con and ventilation controls etc
- Heating System Insulation
- Hot Water Systems
- Smart Heating Controls
- Water Efficient Appliances
- Air Source Heat Pumps
- Anaerobic Digestion
- Battery and Power Storage
- Biomass Systems
- Boiler Replacements
- Building Intelligence Systems
- Building Management Systems
- CHP Systems
- Cooling Systems
- District Heat Networks
- Electric Heating
- Electrical Infrastructure Upgrades
- EV Charging Points
- Glazing
- Ground Source Heat Pumps
- Heat Pumps
- Hot Water Distribution
- Hydrogen Fuel Cells
- Insulation
- Insulation Upgrades
- LED Lighting
- Low Carbon Networks
- Metering
- Motor Replacement and Controls
- Solar PV
- Solar Thermal
- Steam Systems upgrades
- Transformer Upgrades
- Water Source Heat Pumps
Interested in using this solution?
If you would like to use this DPS, please get in touch with our Member Services Team.