UK Optimised Retrofit Consultancy

The need for energy efficient housing is becoming increasingly important in the UK as the government strives to meet its target of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. This target requires a significant reduction in carbon emissions from buildings, which account for approximately 40% of the UK’s total carbon emissions. Social housing providers are, therefore, under increasing pressure to upgrade their housing stock to make it more energy efficient and sustainable. Retrofitting social housing can help reduce energy bills for tenants, improve living conditions and reduce carbon emissions.

However, retrofitting social housing can be a complex and challenging process and social housing providers often lack the necessary expertise and resources to undertake these projects. To help address this issue, CHIC has developed the UK Optimised Retrofit Dynamic Purchasing System for Consultancy. This DPS provides a compliant route to market for social housing providers to procure consultancy services related to retrofitting their housing stock. The DPS is designed to streamline the procurement process, enabling social housing providers to procure consultancy services quickly and efficiently, while ensuring compliance with procurement regulations.

FATS No. 2022/S 000-007483

Awarded: 18/03/22


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UK Optimised Retrofit Consultancy Brochure
How to use a CHIC
Framework and DPS

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