CHIC promotes and supports collaborative partnerships between its members and the wide range of supply chain partners they access via CHIC.
The Welsh Government has made an ambitious commitment to reaching net zero carbon emissions for the public sector by 2030. The scale of retrofit required to existing homes is an enormous challenge, but it can provide for significant investment to the benefit of local communities.
Welsh Government is providing funding to Welsh Registered Social Landlords through the Optimised Retrofit Programme (ORP). This draws from the principles set out in the “Better Homes, Better Wales, Better World” report.
CHIC thought it would be a good opportunity to host a roundtable event to bring together social landlords and supply chain partners, to consider how we can create effective delivery of the ORP, by ensuring that the sector has the right tools and solutions in place, with added social value.
The event was held on 23rd March 2023 and attended by 42 stakeholders.
Updates on progress so far were provided by Chris Jofeh (Chair of the Independent Implementation Group on the Decarbonisation of Existing Homes) and on behalf of Welsh Government. These provided an overview of the background to ORP, progress to date and the next steps for the sector.
View the presentation content here
Stakeholders all then contributed to some vibrant roundtable discussions, centred around the topics below:
ORP Investment Programme Planning
ORP Project Delivery
ORP Supply Chain Engagement
ORP Programme Collaboration
A summary of the conclusions reached can be found here
The event was kindly sponsored by:
To find out more about CHIC’s retrofitting DPS, please contact Jackie Leonard, Head of Member Services (Wales) [email protected]