CHIC Newbuild Framework Stakeholder Consultation – Notes

In 2015/16, CHIC added to its suite of asset management frameworks a newbuild ‘route to market’ for members. This included:

• A main contractor framework
• A consultants framework
• Long term contracts (15 years) for 2 MMC manufacturers – one for frame and panel systems and one for off-site modular construction (steel frame).

Later, in December 2020, CHIC added 3 new MMC long term (15 year) contracts for MMC contractors which can also deliver a full contracting service (turnkey).

In 2021 CHIC added its Development Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS), providing access via mini-tender to contractors, consultants and MMC manufacturers.

Throughout this period CHIC has tried to balance offering a PCR-2015 compliant ‘route to market’ for a range of options to suit individual member requirements with encouragement for the sector to embrace MMC as a mainstream development solution.

Progress has been mixed. Members have benefited from the range of solutions CHIC has had available and this has supported a variety of development project and programme delivery, but the take up of MMC solutions has been slow.

There has been resistance on a number of fronts, but projects offered for pilots have generally been too small to create sufficient factory volume to be price competitive.

In 2021 and 2022 engagement has been stronger. CHIC’s newbuild frameworks expired in 2020, with new projects being procured through the DPS or long term contract options, but the framework(s) need to be renewed.

So, CHIC has been carrying out pre-procurement market consultation, to ensure that a new CHIC newbuild framework is fit for purpose.


We want a framework structure that will work for our members, for contractors, for consultants and for MMC manufacturers. We want these stakeholders to help us plan how a new CHIC framework should be structured.

CHIC is also working to achieve the Gold Standard for public sector construction frameworks.

So, CHIC organised a ‘round table’ discussion for a wide range of stakeholders to discuss the scope and shape of a new framework. This was attended by 58 stakeholders in late July 2022. This paper summarises the outcomes.


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